Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

September 6th, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Approved September 26, 2005

Committee Attendees

Michael Baskin

Marilyn Z. Kahn

Craig Edwards

Marcia Liebman

Jim Goldsmith

Melissa Mills

David Gordon

Joel Tran


Guest Attendees                                            




Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm by Jim Goldsmith.


Topics to discuss as defined by Jim Goldsmith

  1. How to continue working with Koff, Bluestone and Crane.
  2. Threshold issues to overcome as a committee.
  3. September 8th joint meeting of Board of Selectmen and WSRC.


1/2. RFP discussion to include how to continue working with Koff, Bluestone and Crane as well as issues committee needs to address


·         Goldsmith stated a key issue is whether the committee can come to a consensus regarding keeping the Wilber building at all costs or accept the removal of the historical designation and the demolishing of the building; providing a more economical use for the town.


·         Goldsmith stated Koff and Bluestone is of the opinion that it is not economical to keep the building. They state the RFP should be specific and include the scope of possibilities for the property. They feel it will provide the developer with clearer direction and provide a higher response rate to the RFP.


·         Goldsmith stated Crane believes there is an advantage to giving the developers latitude in what you ask them to do.


·         Goldsmith stated the committee needs to come to a consensus as to whether they want to provide narrower or broader guidance within the RFP. Baskin feels that committee should leave more latitude and let developers come up with their own proposal. There is an overriding issue that we need to be in compliance with 30B which establishes legal framework for the town to turn over public property for private use. The criteria for making the decision have to include an equalized approach to be fair to all developers. Crane is very familiar with the 30B requirements and committee is interested in having him speak at the September 12th meeting with the goal being to learn about 30B.


·         Baskin stated Koff and Bluestone believe the issue of historic designation of property is one of the most critical factors regarding the use of the building. If the town is determined to maintain the building; let the developers know. If the town is willing to let the building go to maximize the financial return then the historical designation needs to be overturned.


·         Goldsmith questioned if we can put out an RFP that states it will be considered advantageous to retain the façade but if the best plan that comes back includes demolishing the building, the committee reserves the right to go to town meeting and ask that the historical designation be removed. Liebman expressed concern that “the best plan” was not concrete enough to sell at town meeting and that the best way to convince voters to demolish the building (if necessary) was to have no reasonable response to an RFP which included the requirement of keeping the building façade.


·         Kahn believes the sewage will be a large problem. Goldsmith stated that we can engineer around the sewage issue. Baskin stated that Weston and Sampson have taken a conservative view and it seems likely that the town can support 10,000 gpd.


·         Edwards suggested the RFP should, at first, include keeping the façade. If no proposal is received then it would be easier to go to town meeting and have the historical designation removed. Tran stated the developer might feel better if the committee supported removing the historical designation. He agrees with Edwards that the RFP should include historical designation but if no response is received, revise with a new RFP and let town know no response was received. Edwards stated a special town meeting can be held if needed.


·         Gordon understands the need to keep the facade but worries about allowing for flexibility to develop the rest of the site. He questioned if the criteria should be the façade or financial gain? He supports Cranes’ idea for a broader RFP. He stated we will receive best quality response by putting out a wider range of options, rather than a prescribed route.


·         Baskin/Goldsmith discussed how, if the town or developer should handle the local residents surrounding the Wilber using the water management system. More discussion needed.


3. Septmber 8th Meeting


·         September 8th joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen and Wilber School Redevelopment Committee along with invited guests from varying committees will provide the forum to hear issues not yet discussed. Goldsmith stated the septic issues explained within the Weston and Sampson Report provides a baseline regarding the water situation and the 9/8 meeting will help flush out other issues. Tran stated the meeting is to reach out to BOH. Need additional information from Weston & Sampson and the consultants. Need to hear other issues that need support.


Other Business

·         Liebman reported that the warrant article was submitted to the Board of Selectmen for the November Town Meeting. Tran reported that the warrant will appear as submitted by the BOS and that they are working on changes so that it is included in FY’07’s budget.

·         Levitts to email DePree regarding his scheduling Lealdon Langley to speak at the 9/12 meeting.

·         Levitts to email Koff’s drawings 7 -9 to Mills, including water usage for each and provide copy to Kahn.



Tran/Liebman moved to accept minutes as amended for September 6th. Committee unanimously approved except for Mills who abstained.


Attendance Availability Schedule

Members in attendance updated availability through the end of October.


Meeting Schedule

·         Koff/Bluestone rescheduled to September 19th at Bluestone’s request.

·         Next committee meeting will be held on Monday, September 12th at 7:30 pm in the Research Room, located on the main floor of the Sharon Public Library.

·         No meeting will be held on October 3rd due to Rosh Hashanah; no quorum available.

·         Meeting scheduled for Monday, October 10th, Columbus Day was rescheduled for Tuesday October 11th.

·         No meeting on October 31st due to Halloween; no quorum available.


Proposed Agenda for 9/12 meeting – subject to change based on speaker availability

·         7:30 pm - 7:35 pm   Meeting called to order. Minutes of September 6th reviewed.

·         7:35 pm - 8:35 pm   Steven Crane discussion

·         8:35 pm - 9:35 pm   Lealdon Langley discussion

·         9:35 pm - 9:45 pm   Additional discussion

·         9:45 pm                   Meeting adjourned



Meeting Adjournment

Tran/Gordon moved to adjourn meeting at 9:10 pm: motion carried unanimously.



Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts